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CONGRATULATIONS on being nominated for the Mobies 2024!

Being nominated is a testament to your dedication, professionalism, and commitment to excellence. We hope you feel proud.

Below are all the details you need to understand how the campaign works, from its dates to voting rules and promotional opportunities that come with being a nominee.

The community, YOUR community, has its say in the final results. We recommend you activate them as soon as possible.
Once again, congratulations on unlocking this first achievement. Here’s to the next one!

Download the Finalist Pack





The Campaign

01 May


The names of all 2024 finalists are revealed.

Congratulations. You are one of them!

01 May to 30 June


Get your following behind you, they can vote every 24 hours until the end of the voting campaign on

01 May to 30 June


Our team will contact you to arrange your attendance, speech, media-day, co-streaming etc

23 to 30 June


This week, every vote counts double. Make sure to make the most of it and send your community to vote.

14 & 15 June


From the Media day, to welcome drinks and more… The Mobies like to foster relationships and creativity.

16 July


The 2024 campaign culminates in this event: the Mobies live, followed by its post-ceremony festivities.

The Opportunities


From the finalist stamp to social media assets, make the best of the assets provided to engage with your followers. The more they vote for you, the higher your chances to win.

Graphic Assets


Interested in attending the Mobies 2024 Festival of events, alone or with your team? Let us know here!

My Attendance


We would love to feature you in our comms.
From remote interviews with our media partners, or joint social campaigns to on-site interviews, our marketing team is here to help shine the light on you and your brand.

Marketing Opportunities


We would love for you to co-stream the ceremony to your community, using the English feed or localizing it in your own language. The Mobies is YOUR event. Our tech team will work to facilitate it with you.

Learn More


In 2024, we are proud to introduce the official Mobies coin! You have been nominated through a stringent process among thousands of nominations. What an achievement!
The finalist coin is a token to celebrate the first step in your finalist journey. Our team will send it to your home in the next few weeks, along with other personalized Mobies items.

Claim Yours

A Two Day Festival of Events


The Mobies is not just an awards show, but an electrifying experience that brings together industry leaders, game developers, influencers, and enthusiasts like yourself. Prepare to be captivated as we celebrate the mobile gaming industry’s brilliance, innovation, and boundless creativity over a two-day festival of networking opportunities and activations culminating in the amazing Mobies 2024 ceremony.

Sunday 14th

VIP Activation
Welcome Drinks

Monday 15th

VIP Activation
Media Day
PWR UP Mobile Gaming, networking & conference

Tuesday 16th

VIP Activation
Mobies 2024 Ceremony
Mobies 2024 After Party

The Ceremony

The Mobies will be held on July 16th in  London, UK** , after a two-day festival of events dedicated to mobile gaming.

    • 05:00 to 06:00pm  – The Mobies Red Carpet
      Pictures, Interviews, and  an immersive walk-through await our guests in 2024.
    • 05:00 to 06:00pm  – Welcome Drinks
      Savor meticulously crafted cocktails with fellow nominees and peers in a glamorous setting.An exquisite taste of pure indulgence.
    • 06:00 to 08:00pm  – Main Ceremony
      Excitement is at its peak. The Mobies 2024 main ceremony is live!
    • 09:00 to 11:00pm- After Party
      We meet again for a thrilling night filled with music, cocktails, and the vibrant energy of London’s iconic scene.

What is the Mobies?

What does being a finalist mean?

You are now part of the select group of individuals and brands selected by the international community, and our panel of judges, for their impact within the mobile gaming industry.

Being among the elite group of Mobies finalists showcases your talent on a global stage. It signifies recognition and acknowledgment of your exceptional contributions and achievements in the competitive mobile gaming landscape. The nomination as a finalist highlights your dedication and skill, opening doors for new potential partnerships, sponsorships, and career opportunities.


Who shall I talk to if I have questions?

Please contact Jordi Solanas (he/him), Community Manager

  • Email:
  • Discord: Jordisolanas

When does voting close?

June 30th at 11:59pm BST

How can I support my campaign?

With the Panel:
We encourage all finalists to submit supporting information for the panel to review. This should showcase your work over the last year, detailing why you stand out from your peers. All supporting information should be sent to by 31st May 2024.

With the Public:
We encourage you to get your following behind you! For most categories, the public vote makes up 25% of the final decision. If you are up for a 100% Public Voted award, the public vote makes 100% of the decision, so public backing is essential to take home the trophy!

Where can my community vote?

Send them to

Can I attend the Mobies in London?

You can! We would love to see you at the awards ceremony on July 16th. Contact Jordi or let us know here you would like to attend

How does the panel influence the process?

For each category, the panel spend extensive time using the public nominations as a basis to form lists of finalists for each category. As the year progresses, numerous discussions take place over each category and each individual will vote towards their winner for the categories. This is then weighted with the public vote to determine the final winner for each category.

What is the judging period?

Finalists are judged on their work in mobile gaming from July 2023 – June 2024.